Eritrean Refugee Relief 2023
In March of 2023 Yonatan Hiruy and I traveled to Sudan and Ethiopia to explore the plight of
Eritrean refugees. They observed that many of our brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering
and in distress.
The circumstances in Sudan are now much worse because of the war that has broken out since
our return to Canada. 80% of the 1000 believers in Khartoum have fled to other parts of Sudan
or to neighboring countries. The large Eritrean refugee camps in Sudan are in great trouble.
We can’t solve all the problems, but we must do something.

#1. Kahsay, one of the brothers we met
in Sudan has sent his wife to Ethiopia
while he stays in Sudan to preach the
Good News to the people in distress and
to care for the elderly refugees in the Um
Gulja UN camp in his hometown. It will
cost $1000.00 CA a month to feed the
refugees, support someone to cook and
care for them, and to cover Kahsay’s
travel costs. We believe we should raise
funds to provide for this need for six
months, and then see what happens.

#2. The 24 Eritrean refugee churches in Addis Ababa are led by a board of six pastors. We were
positively impressed by these men who are serving generously out of their poverty 2 Cor 8:3.
We would like to provide $1000.00 a month for six months to help them with their outreach to
impoverished Eritreans who are looking for hope and help in the capital city.

#3. The horrible refugee camp at Alemwach. We must do something to help. We’d like to
provide $1000.00 a month for six months to enable the leaders of the churches in Addis Ababa
to reach out with the love of Jesus to our brothers and sisters there. ($6000.00) It would be a

#4. The family of Habtom, his wife, and five children fled
south to Wad Madani and then north to Egypt. Sudan was
too dangerous for them; if they had gone to Ethiopia, they
would have lost their refugee claim and their opportunity to
immigrate to Canada. (They are already in process) They
need $4000.00 Canadian, a one-time cost to pay for their
loan to travel to Egypt and get settled there temporarily.

If you have been adding, these projects add up to $22,000.00. The Eritrean churches in Canada
believe they can contribute $7,000.00. Gord believes that his friends might contribute the other
$15,000.00. We will address the needs in the order in which they are presented above.
Can you help? We’d like to raise these funds as soon as possible and so they can be forwarded
to those in need.
If you’d like to help, please forward your donation to Covenant International a registered
Canadian Charity.
Send cheques to the address below or donate on the above website using your credit card.
Choose the #5 option, Eritrean Refugee Relief 2023
We will be monitoring the whole process carefully.
Gord Martin and Yonatan Hiruy
Covenant International
Income Tax receipts are sent out in February
Address: P.O. Box 744 STN Main
Calgary, AB T2P 2J3 Canada
Phone: (403) 923-2987
Email: write Mr. Ketsela Mengistu President/Director